ABANDON - traduzione in arabo
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ABANDON - traduzione in arabo

Abandonment of an action; Abandonment in marine insurance; Abandonment of wife and children; Abandoned; The Abandoned; Abandonment (disambiguation); Abandoned (disambiguation); Abandons; Abandoned (film); The Abandoned (film); The Abandoned (disambiguation); Boarded up house; Railroad abandonment; Abandon (disambiguation); Abandonment; Abandoning



اِسْتِرْسال ; اِسْتِرْسال


عَزَفَ عَنْ ; عَزَفَ عَنْ ; اِنْصَرَفَ عَنْ ; اِنْصَرَفَ عَنْ

اسْم : تهتُّك . انغماسٌ في الملذّات
فِعْل : يتنازل عن . يهجر . يتخلى عن . يُسْلِم إلى . ينغمس في . يستسلم لـ . يُقْلع عن
تنازل عن هجر، ترك تخلى عن سلم أقلع عن = قطع (الامل)

تهتُّك، انغماس فى الملذات حماسة ، امتلاء بالحيوية او المرح


v. to intentionally and permanently give up, surrender, leave, desert or relinquish all interest or ownership in property, a home or other premises, a right of way, and even a spouse, family, or children. The word is often used in situations to determine whether a tenant has left his/her apartment and the property inside and does not intend to come back. Thus, a landlord can take over an apparently abandoned residence, but must store anything a tenant leaves behind and give notice to the tenant before selling the possessions which are left. To abandon children can mean to have no contact and give no support for a year or more. See also: abandoned property abandonment



Abandon, abandoned, or abandonment may refer to:

Esempi di pronuncia per ABANDON
1. Abandon ship!
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
2. Abandon ship.
RocknRolla (2008)
3. peasants would sort of abandon their farms, abandon their
The Rapture of Nerds _ Cory Doctorow & Charles Stross _ Talks at Google
4. or abandon their comrades.
5. abandon their life.
Comedy Central's Corporate _ Jake Weisman, Matt Ingebretson + More _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per ABANDON
1. "She‘s not going to abandon her principles and I‘m not going to abandon mine," he said.
2. She‘s not going to abandon her principles and I‘m not going to abandon mine.
3. As you do, have confidence that America does not abandon our friends, and we will not abandon you.
4. But he added: "She‘s not going to abandon her principles, and I‘m not going to abandon mine.
5. Pressurising foreign governments to abandon Iraq.